Twenty failure analysis caused by corrosion in copper and copper alloys heat exchangers were accomplished at Corrosion and Electrodeposition Laboratory of IPT between 1968 and 1988. This work is a review of these failures, the types of failure and their causes being described. The prevailing failures were by stress corrosion, pitting corrosion, erosion-corrosion and dezincification, the latter almost always being associated to stress corrosion.
ALONSO, N.; KAJIMOTO, Z.P.; TANAKA, D.K.; DI GIORGI, F.; WOLYNEC, S.; CHAVES, R. Corrosão em trocadores de calor de cobre e suas ligas. In: CONGRESSO ÍBERO – AMERICANO DE CORROSÃO E PROTEÇÃO, 3., 1989, Rio de Janeiro. Anais… Rio de Janeiro: ABRACO, 1989. p. 234-242. (IPT Publicação, 1917)
Twenty failure analysis caused by corrosion in copper and copper alloys heat exchangers were accomplished at Corrosion and Electrodeposition Laboratory of IPT between 1968 and 1988. This work is a review of these failures, the types of failure and their causes being described. The prevailing failures were by stress corrosion, pitting corrosion, erosion-corrosion and dezincification, the latter almost always being associated to stress corrosion.
ALONSO, N.; KAJIMOTO, Z.P.; TANAKA, D.K.; DI GIORGI, F.; WOLYNEC, S.; CHAVES, R. Corrosão em trocadores de calor de cobre e suas ligas. In: CONGRESSO ÍBERO – AMERICANO DE CORROSÃO E PROTEÇÃO, 3., 1989, Rio de Janeiro. Anais… Rio de Janeiro: ABRACO, 1989. p. 234-242. (IPT Publicação, 1917)