Avaliação de inibidores de corrosão e da influência do tempo de pré-corrosão na prevenção de corrosão preferencial em juntas soldadas aplicadas a sistemas de produção de gás


Carbon steel pipelines and risers are widely in the gas productions lines, however, corrosive agents present in the production fluid, like CO2 and organic acids, brings the necessity of employing corrosion inhibitors to maintain the integrity of the equipment considering the production life-time expected to them. This work evaluated some commercial corrosion inhibitors considering theirs capabilities of protection against welded joint (with 2% nickel) preferential corrosion. The welded joint preferential corrosion occurs, at first, due to the formation of a galvanic cell between regions of different chemical composition resulted from the welding processes. At some cases, corrosion inhibitors are employed at production lines which were already exposed to corrosive liquids, without previous protection. This occurrence, called pre-corrosion, should be considered during the evaluation of the inhibitors. Therefore, a set of tests were done to evaluate the protection of carbon steel and its welded joints promoted by some commercial corrosion inhibitors, also considering pre-corrosion. The results obtained from welded-joint immersion tests and galvanic current measurements are presented. The coupons were exposed to three different solutions: simulated gas exportation condition and gas production condition (with an without incrustation inhibitor).

CARDOSO, Juliana Lopes; ALMEIDA, Loriene Figazza de ; MOREIRA, Anna Ramus; ALMEIDA, Neusvaldo Lira de; GUEDES, Flávia Maciel; VAZ, Gustavo Leitão; SILVA, Jussara de Mello. Avaliação de inibidores de corrosão e da influência do tempo de pré-corrosão na prevenção de corrosão preferencial em juntas soldadas aplicadas a sistemas de produção de gás. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE CORROSÃO, INTERCORR 2012, 32., 2012, Salvador. Anais… Salvador: ABRACO, 2012. 15p.

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