Watts nickel plating; part 11: deposit control


In this work, the tests performed for the characterization of decorative chromium coatings are presented. Each of the methods used (magnetic, microscopic, x-ray Spectrometry, coulométrico) for the determination of the nickel layer thicknesses is presented and discussed, indicating when they should be used. The tests for coating adherence verification are also discussed. Finally, the corrosion accelerated tests and porosity and dutilidade tests are discussed.

ALMEIDA, N.L.; PANOSSIAN, Z. Banho de níquel tipo Watts; parte 11: controle do depósito. Tratamento de Superfície, São Paulo, v. 18, n. 85, p. 30-39, set./out. 1997 (IPT Publicação, 2588)

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