Captação de água de chuva em construções existentes: estratégia de implantação em área sob risco de enchentes no município de São Paulo.


The use of systems for capturing rainwater in urban environment is often cited as having double benefit: the ability to act as an auxiliary source to the main water supply and alternative attenuator peak floods. Although theoretically both precepts are correct is the fact that the system should be applied ostensibly already urbanized areas and that both benefits are valid. This study assessed the pattern of architectural buildings located in an area in São Paulo, in the region Pirajussara River Basin, known for problems with flooding, in order to identify the potential application of systems utilization of rainwater in existing buildings and possible uses for the water abstracted with a focus on minimal need for adaptation to the building system. The inclusion of a system of rainwater in an existing building requires careful evaluation of the technical feasibility of the intervention because, often, the building does not coporta a system to capture and exploit conventional. Lack of available space that behaves treatment systems and maintenance, the need for major interventions in the hydraulic system of the building and lack of adequate facilities for existing buildings were considered as the most critical problems. The recommendations of uses for rainwater proposals within the premises of this work, in order to make feasible the implementation of water harvesting systems in existing buildings, are more restricted than that commonly performed when the object of the analysis is a building be built, limiting the use of water withdrawn to outside activities like cleaning floors, washing vehicles and watering, do not use would require drastic intervention in the hydraulic system of the buildings.

CILENTO, Francisco Cordeiro; ZANELLA, Luciano; ALVES, Wolney Castilho. Captação de água de chuva em construções existentes: estratégia de implantação em área sob risco de enchentes no município de São Paulo. In: SIMPÓSIO LUSO-BRASILEIRO DE ENGENHARIA SANITÁRIA E AMBIENTAL, 15., 2012, Belo Horizonte. Anais…Belo Horizonte: ABES, APESB, Associação Portuguesa dos Recursos Hídricos, 2012. 10p.

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