This paper presents a set of comparisons between lab results of impact sound tests exerted on small floating floors samples, using various resilient materials currently used in Portugal and Brazil, as well as comparisons between these results were also compared with these laboratory measurements. For the purpose, the dynamic stiffness of 12 resilient materials has been experimentally determined. These materials were used to compose floating floors in samples of reduced dimensions that were tested in laboratory conditions using a standard tapping machine. The adaption terms Civ were also taking into account in this set of comparisons. The calculated sound reduction levels using the procedure set forth by EN 12354 showed good agreement with the experimental results, in frequencies between 100Hz and 3150Hz. It was not observed significant differences between the results of same material tested with different dimensions. The same can be stated for the values of adaptation term Civ in terms frequency range extensions.
SILVA, Elaine Lemos; PATRÍCIO, Jorge Viçoso; ANTONIO, Julieta . Impact sound reduction provided by current Portuguese and Brazilian floating floors: comparison between lab test and EN 12354 results. In: EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON NOISE CONTROL, EURONOISE, 9., 2012, Prague. Proceedings… 6 p.
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This paper presents a set of comparisons between lab results of impact sound tests exerted on small floating floors samples, using various resilient materials currently used in Portugal and Brazil, as well as comparisons between these results were also compared with these laboratory measurements. For the purpose, the dynamic stiffness of 12 resilient materials has been experimentally determined. These materials were used to compose floating floors in samples of reduced dimensions that were tested in laboratory conditions using a standard tapping machine. The adaption terms Civ were also taking into account in this set of comparisons. The calculated sound reduction levels using the procedure set forth by EN 12354 showed good agreement with the experimental results, in frequencies between 100Hz and 3150Hz. It was not observed significant differences between the results of same material tested with different dimensions. The same can be stated for the values of adaptation term Civ in terms frequency range extensions.
SILVA, Elaine Lemos; PATRÍCIO, Jorge Viçoso; ANTONIO, Julieta . Impact sound reduction provided by current Portuguese and Brazilian floating floors: comparison between lab test and EN 12354 results. In: EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON NOISE CONTROL, EURONOISE, 9., 2012, Prague. Proceedings… 6 p.
Document with restricted access. Log in to BiblioInfo, Biblioteca-DAIT/IPT to access the PDF document::