Estratégias de manufatuta e competitividade na indústria de construção naval


This paper examines the strategies of manufacturing shipbuilding industry with a particular focus on modern techniques of lean production. Faced reversal of the growth cycle of the industry worldwide and consequent intensification of international competition, you should increase the competitiveness of the Brazilian shipbuilding industry to ensure its long-term survival. Whereas the competitiveness in this industry is systemic, involving the entire production chain, the study points to the need to promote joint sector aiming at solving the existing technological gaps and bottlenecks

WEISS, James Manoel Guimarães. Estratégias de manufatuta e competitividade na indústria de construção naval. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON OFFSHORE AND MARINE TECHNOLOGY: SCIENCE AND INNOVATION, NAVTEC, 2012, Rio Grande. Proceedings… 5 p.

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