Evaluation of zinc/aluminum alloy coatings through accelerated and nonaccelerated atmospheric tests



The Laboratory of Corrosion and Protection of IPT, together with FAPESP – Foundation for Research Support of the State of São Paulo and with CSN – Companhia Siderurgica Nacional, have worked to evaluate the performance of coating zinc alloy / aluminum, compared to the zinc coating in Brazilian atmosphere. The tests were conducted with two types of coating: zinc and Galvalume ®. Through the partnership IPT / FAPESP were developed laboratory tests: characterization of coating and accelerated corrosion tests. By partner IPT / CSN were developed field trials. The coatings were exposed at six different stations atmospheric aggressiveness.

MOREIRA, A.R.; PANOSSIAN, Z.; CARVALHO, José Eduardo R.; SILVA, Israel Carlos da. Avaliação de revestimentos de liga zinco/alumínio através de ensaios acelerados e não-acelerados de corrosão atmosférica. In: ENCONTRO E EXPOSIÇÃO BRASILEIRA DE TRATAMENTO DE SUPERFÍCIE – EBRAT’S, 10., 2000, São Paulo. Anais… (CD – ROM) (IPT Pub. 2760)

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