PROGEX – Technological support program for exports

PROGEX is a technological tool that strengthens mainly Brazilian MSME – micro, small and medium size enterprises. The program contributes to their insertion and growth in the international market while simultaneously reducing their failure rate as exporters.

Support through PROGEX aims to adapt products to the technical requirements of a given foreign market to enable the company to export them. These requirements are usually based on regulations or technical standards, which specify the minimum standards required for a product to enter the target market.

PROGEX has been working to adapt products for over ten years, addressing aspects such as:
  • improvements in product quality and production process;
  • cost reductions;
  • compliance with international technical standards;
  • pre-qualification or qualification of products to obtain international labels or markings such as CE, UL and others;
  • product design;
  • packaging, labeling;
  • other requirements of the target market.

The Program assists companies of all industrial sectors and contributes to:
  • the evolution of current production processes;
  • the creation of a company culture focused on product research and development, based on quality criteria and the adoption of international standards;
  • the introduction of Brazilian products with higher added value and technological content to foreign markets.

The criteria for assistance by PROGEX are: an existing product, a defined target market, and the entrepreneur’s decision to export on a permanent basis.

Whenever possible, technological support for micro and small companies is covered by non-refundable grants of 80%, while the company covers 20% of the total value with its own funds.

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