Evaluation and treatment of geoenvironmental data

Digital georeferenced cartographic data is a dynamic tool for environmental management. The technology that enables this tool to be employed is geoprocessing using software and Geographic Information Systems (GIS), whereby information from a variety of sources can be integrated, including alphanumeric attributes and well defined locations on the earth’s surface.

GIS allows for complex analyses, integrating data from different sources and creating georeferenced databases, automating the production of cartographic documents. It enables printed information (analogical) to be converted to digital data, spatializing and organizing data on different scales to compose a continuous base. They expedite constant revisions and updates, enabling the evaluation and treatment of environmental issues by speedily and efficiently integrating digital information in spatial and alphanumeric formats.

The method consists of three steps. The first step consists of entering spatial and alphanumerical data (data scanning and registration, vectorization and edition of files for inserting toponyms, colors and lines). The second step involves research, recovery and manipulation or cross-checking of data for analysis and creation of derived data. The third step consists of presenting the data.

In a large country such as Brazil, geoprocessing is a tool of enormous potential, allowing for the production and delivery of pertinent information for decision making about urban, rural and environmental problems.

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