Computerized approval of flow metering systems installed in bottling lines

According to Cofis Executive Act No. 13 (ADE No. 13) of March 13, 2006, beer and soft drink bottling establishments are obliged to install a Flow Metering System (SMV). The SMV must be composed of flow metering equipment, conductivity meters and apparatus for control, recording, saving and remote transmission of measured values to the Internal Revenue Service (SRF).

IPT is qualified to evaluate the compliance of Flow Metering Systems, according to the Technical Cooperation Agreement signed with the Inland Revenue Service on June 8, 2004. The Institute analyzes the entire infrastructure of computational technology available to the SMV to continually monitor the production of beverages in industrial establishments where the system is installed, performing the following tasks:
  • Flow metering (i.e., volume by time unit) of the liquids that feed each filler device;
  • Measuring of electrical conductivity and temperature of the liquids that feed each filler device;
  • Record of all flow measurements, conductivity and temperature, making this information available to the Internal Revenue Service;
  • Remote communication with Internal Revenue Service systems for transfer of the recorded information.

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