Monitoramento remoto de fissuras em sala com paredes constituídas de alvenaria


During plant reform activities, there was concern about possible interference with structures already built. Aiming to minimize the risks of accidents associated with the renovation activities and to provide the information builder regarding the variation of crack opening on the existing structures, a remote monitoring system composed of a control and measurement center was installed, related with sensors for measuring the movement of the opening of cracks. The metering and control center could also be remotely accessed via the web by the managers of the reforms, namely in real time, what was the stability of the monitored structures and take immediate action. Another activity developed in this work was the comparison of the results of the measurements of the remote system with the classical measurements, in which traditional equipment with manual measurements was used that punctually portrays the work situation at that instant of measurement.

LAVANDOSCKI, Fabio Ioveni; BRESSAN, Diego Lapolli. Monitoramento remoto de fissuras em sala com paredes constituídas de alvenaria. In: CONGRESSO DE ENSAIOS E EXPERIMENTAÇÃO EM ENGENHARIA CIVIL, 2., 2019, Porto, Portugal. Anais… 7 p.

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