Modificações fluviais à justante de barragens


This paper presents some fundamental concepts about changes in fluvial dynamics downstream of dams, a question that, even though relevant and of concern in other countries, is little studied by engineers of dams in Brazil. Fluvial systems are the result of interaction among geological and geomorphological processes and their morphology reveals all spatial and temporal variations which fluvial channels were subjected to during this development, reaching a dynamic equilibrium in a certain time and place. Dams intercept the natural flow of rivers, trap the sediment load of the upstream and cause changes in the downstream hidrological system. The more evident changes downstream from the dams are variations in the magnitude of river flow, water discharges, reduced in the river´s sediment load, bed material sizes, channel adjustment and so on. This paper describe some methods for quantitative and qualitative analysis of changes in river dynamics downstream of the dams that are being applied in Brazil and abroad, hoping that this contribution can start discussions concerned with the subject whose implications are beyond those more obvious, such as environmental issues, and may also have other consequences less notice at first glance, as reflected in local and regional economy.

SIQUEIRA, Alessandra Gonçalves; AZEVEDO, Adalberto Aurélio; SOUZA, Luiz Antonio Pereira; SILVA, Mariucha da. Modificações fluviais à justante de barragens. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE GEOLOGIA DE ENGENHARIA E AMBIENTAL, 14., 2013, Rio de Janeiro. Anais… São Paulo: ABGE, 2013.

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