Modeling of suspended solids removal for floating turbidity barriers in water reservoirs


Floating turbidity curtains or barriers where idealized to contain turbidity plumes in water bodies. The presence of high turbidity in the raw water makes its direct use impractical, creating the necessity of a high cost water treatment and a serious sludge management. With the purpose of reducing the turbidity in the source, this study used a statistic experimental planning based on the central composite rotational design (CCDR) to evaluate the use of 2 turbidity barriers in sequence. The factors analyzed were grammage of the first and second barrier and the application rate. The system efficiency for mass retention was above 92% for 17 of the 18 carried through assays.

OLIVEIRA, Eduardo Paniguel; TIEZZI, Rafael de Oliveira; MOURA, Rafael de Brito; CAVALHIERI, Caio Pompeu; SOUZA, João Vitor Rodriguez de; SCHUFFNER, Ana Maria; MENEZES, Paulo Henrique Bretanha Junker; TOMAZELI, Alexandre. Modelagem da remoção de sólidos suspensos por barreiras flutuantes em reservatórios de água. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE RECURSOS HÍDRICOS, 22., 2017, Florianópolis. Anais… 8 p.

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