Mapping of areas susceptible to gravitational mass movements and floods in the macrometropole paulista region


This article summarizes the final results of the mapping of areas susceptible to gravitational mass movements and floods in the “Macrometrópole Paulista” region, which comprises 174 municipalities in the São Paulo State. The mapping work was carried out between 2014 and 2020, through a partnership between the Geological Service of Brazil and the Institute for Technological Research of the São Paulo State, in view of the implementation of the National Policy for Protection and Civil Defense and the execution of the National Plan for Risk Management and Response to Natural Disasters, as well as the State Program for Natural Disaster Prevention and Risk Reduction of the São Paulo State. The main goal of the mapping is to elaborate the cartographic zoning of the distinct susceptibilities to geological and hydrological processes that occur in the “Macrometrópole of São Paulo”. The methods employed in the elaboration of the susceptibility maps consider the main physical environment processes occurring in the region, analyzed from the compilation, treatment and integration of geological, geomorphological, hydrological data and other material previously available or obtained during the work, using computer modeling and field verification. The results comprise the classification of the territory of each municipality in zones of high, medium and low susceptibility, according to two basic sets of processes: landslide, creep and rock fall; and flooding. It also points out the drainage basins susceptible to the generation of debris flow and flash flood. The synthesis of susceptibility map also contains features correlated to the processes mapped in the site, as well as indicators that allow us to estimate the incidence in area relative to each class in the municipality. At the end, conclusions and general recommendations are presented for the use of the susceptibility maps produced, both by municipal administrations and for regional planning purposes. 

BITAR, Omar Yazbek; CAMPOS, Sofia Júlia Alves Macedo; MONTEIRO, Ana Cândida Melo Cavani; ARGENTIN, Priscilla Moreira; CORSI, Alessandra Cristina ; PAULON, Nivaldo. Mapeamento de áreas suscetíveis a movimentos gravitacionais de massa e inundações na região da Macrometrópole Paulista. RBGE, Revista Brasileira de Geologia de Engenharia e Ambiental, v.11, n.2, p.p.29-49, 2021.

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