Mapeamentos de riscos para regulamentação fundiária


The difficulty in accessing decent housing is a problem that affects all Brazilian cities. Currently, the increase in the number of people living in areas at risk of landslides, flash floods and floods has been one of the negative characteristics of the urbanization and growth process of Brazilian cities. installed irregularly, clandestinely or when it was not possible to obtain the title of their occupants, even if they complied with the legislation in force at the time of their implementation or regularization. In article 39 of Law 13.465/2017, in informal urban centers, or portions thereof, located in geological-geotechnical risk areas, land regularization is only allowed through project approval, containing technical studies that allow the elimination, correction or risk management. Within this context, it is extremely important to use the correct type of mapping in the land regularization process. The mapping must be carried out house by house and contain the indication of the structural and non-structural intervention necessary to reduce the degree of risk.

CORSI, Alessandra Cristina; MACEDO, Eduardo Soares de. Mapeamentos de riscos para regulamentação fundiária. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE GEOLOGIA DE ENGENHARIA E AMBIENTAL, 17., 2022, Belo Horizonte. Anais… 9 p.

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