Levantamento geofísico (sísmica de refração) em uma área para implantação de um aterro sanitário em valas


The construction of a trench sanitary landfill requires the previous knowledge about soil thickness in order to guarantee its efficient operation. The study area should not contain shallow bedrock. If no subsurface information is available, geophysical methods are efficient to identify if the site is suitable before drilling. This paper presents a seismic refraction survey conducted in a rural are located in Divinolândia city, São Paulo State, Brazil, where a trench landfill would be built after geophysical survey confirmation that minimum soil thickness of three meters was found on the site, enabling the landfill facility.

GANDOLFO, Otávio Coaracy Brasil. Levantamento geofísico (sísmica de refração) em uma área para implantação de um aterro sanitário em valas. In: INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF THE BRAZILIAN GEOPHYSICAL SOCIETY, 14., 2015, Rio de Janeiro. Proceedings… 6 p.

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