Investigations, designs and construction of 5 NATM highway tunnels, Serra do Mar, Brazil


The Serra do Mar mountain range is one of the most remarkable geological and geomorphological features of Brazil’s southeastern cost, with more than 1.500 km length. In the northern coast of São Paulo State, between the cities of São Sebastião and Caraguatatuba, the Serra do Mar encompass altitudes varying from a few meters to 1.000m above sea level, in just a few kilometers of horizontal distance, resulting in a very steep relief. The mountain range is a very dynamic and challenging environment for any infrastructure project, with a very heterogeneous soil thickness and frequent soil/rock movements. In this context 5 NATM tunnels were than 13km of excavation, with a 100 m² cross section. The tunnels cross 3 different lithologies in different degrees of weathering ranging from residual soil to unweathered rock.

CUNHA, Marcio Angelieri; PAULA, M. Saito de; CAMPANHÃ, C.A.; ROCHA, L.F.; GOULART, B.P.; DEMARTINI, J.L.; VICENTE, L.C.; IYOMASA, Wilson Shoji; SANTOS, F.S. Investigations, designs and construction of 5 NATM highway tunnels, Serra do Mar, Brazil. In: INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON THE ROCK MECHANICS AND ROCK ENGINEERING, ISRM, 14., 2019, Foz do Iguassu. Proceedings… 9 p.

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