Investigação de rochas sedimentares: um estudo de caso para fundações de aerogeradores


This study aims to present a synthesis of a subsoil investigation campaign carried out in sedimentary rock in order to design wind turbine foundations, motivated by the technological advances in research tools for this type of rock mass (soft rock) and also the increase in similar types of constructions in this type of rock mass, due to the wind energy sector growth. It is discussed the limitation regarding the representativeness of the core drilling samples when they are carried out in soft rocks, specifically sandstone. In addition, the results of geophysical tests are discussed, in particular the technical restrictions regarding the electroresistivity method. Finally, the need to use complementary methods (such as televising) is demonstrated. The campaign with the coordinated use of these tools ensured the quality of the investigations carried out and, mainly, made it possible the decision-making process regarding the consolidation treatment for the rock mass.

ALVES, Lucas Koffke; IYOMASA, Wilson Shoji. Investigação de rochas sedimentares: um estudo de caso para fundações de aerogeradores. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE GEOLOGIA DE ENGENHARIA E AMBIENTAL, 17., 2022, Belo Horizonte. Anais… 8p.

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