Interpretações preliminares de registros sísmicos marinhos na Baía de Todos os Santos, utilizando métodos de geofísica rasa: Sparker, Boomer e Chiro


In this paper we attempt to quantify the volume of sediments stored and the geometry of the acoustic basement at the entrance of the Todos os Santos Bay (BTS). This sector of the BTS is characterized by clean marine sands. Earlier attempts using a CHIRP subbottom profiler have failed because of lack of penetration of acoustic waves. We could only met success after using equipment operating in boomer and sparker frequencies. The acoustic basement presents a very irregular geometry carved into the soft sedimentary rocks of cretaceous age during lower sea levels. The thickness of sediments resting on this acoustic basement reaches up to 70m and encompasses several depositional and erosional episodes. This new data set will be invaluable in supporting decision making concerning the construction of the Salvador-Itaparica bridge and future beach nourishment projects at Salvador beaches.

MELLO, Ana Clara Coni e; DOMINGUEZ, José Maria Landim; SOUZA, Luiz Antônio Pereira de; SANTANA, Thaís Gomes. Interpretações preliminares de registros sísmicos marinhos na Baía de Todos os Santos, utilizando métodos de geofísica rasa: Sparker, Boomer e Chiro. In: ENCONTRO DE TECNOLOGIAS EM ACÚSTICA SUBMARINA, 11., 2014, Rio de Janeiro. Trabalho apresentado. 4 p.

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