Integração de métodos geofísicos com a sonda MIP para caracterização estratigráfica de uma área contaminada.


Integration of different geoenvironmental investigation techniques is a innovative methodology to develop more accurate conceptual models of contaminated sites. The results of geophysical surveys by the electrical resistivity, seismic and GPR methods were compared with subsurface electrical conductivity profiles obtained by direct imaging probe MIP. The results showed clear correlations to map the subsurface stratum, which geological characteristics are quaternary alluvial deposits over the tertiary sediments of the São Paulo Basin formation. As the results of electrical conductivity of the subsurface may vary depending on a number of factors, it is recommended to integrate different investigation techniques to minimize uncertainties and to validate conceptual models of tropical contaminated soils.

FREITAS, Leandro Gomes de; GANDOLFO, Otávio Coaracy Brasil; BLANCO, Régis Gonçalves; YOSHIKAWA, Nestor Kenji; BARBOSA, Alexandre Muselli; LEITE, Daniel Carlos. Integração de métodos geofísicos com a sonda MIP para caracterização estratigráfica de uma área contaminada. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE GEOLOGIA DE ENGENHARIA E AMBIENTAL, 15., 2015, Bento Gonçalves. Anais… São Paulo: ABGE, 2015. 10p.

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