Companies in the electronics sector have as a major feature in the quest for front highly competitive market in which they operate. So constantly look for innovations to remain competitive. The objective of this paper is to analyze the relationship between the reported innovations in sustainability reporting two representative companies in consumer electronics, Philips and Siemens, and indicators of the Global Reporting Initiative [GRI], in order to verify the influence of these indicators in innovations reported by companies and assess how these companies exploit the opportunities of innovation indicators suggest. The method used was literature and documents. We opted for the analysis of multiple cases. Was divided into three stages: first a review of the literature on sustainability indicators, detailing the index adopted [GRI], innovation and sustainability and types of innovation and consumer electronics in Brazil, the second consisted of desk research and the third analysis documents identified, comparison of test results with the literature and the authors’ reflections.
SILVA, Daniela Lima; BRITO, Sidney da Col. de; TEIXEIRA, Claudia Echevenguá; AGUIAR, Alexandre de Oliveira. Indicadores de sustentabilidade e a relação com a inovação: os casos Philips e Siemens. In: SIMPÓSIO INTERNACIONAL DE GESTÃO DE PROJETOS, 2., SIMPÓSIO INTERNACIONAL DE INOVAÇÃO E SUSTENTABILIDADE, 1., 2013, São Paulo. Anais… São Paulo: SINGEP, 2013.
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Companies in the electronics sector have as a major feature in the quest for front highly competitive market in which they operate. So constantly look for innovations to remain competitive. The objective of this paper is to analyze the relationship between the reported innovations in sustainability reporting two representative companies in consumer electronics, Philips and Siemens, and indicators of the Global Reporting Initiative [GRI], in order to verify the influence of these indicators in innovations reported by companies and assess how these companies exploit the opportunities of innovation indicators suggest. The method used was literature and documents. We opted for the analysis of multiple cases. Was divided into three stages: first a review of the literature on sustainability indicators, detailing the index adopted [GRI], innovation and sustainability and types of innovation and consumer electronics in Brazil, the second consisted of desk research and the third analysis documents identified, comparison of test results with the literature and the authors’ reflections.
SILVA, Daniela Lima; BRITO, Sidney da Col. de; TEIXEIRA, Claudia Echevenguá; AGUIAR, Alexandre de Oliveira. Indicadores de sustentabilidade e a relação com a inovação: os casos Philips e Siemens. In: SIMPÓSIO INTERNACIONAL DE GESTÃO DE PROJETOS, 2., SIMPÓSIO INTERNACIONAL DE INOVAÇÃO E SUSTENTABILIDADE, 1., 2013, São Paulo. Anais… São Paulo: SINGEP, 2013.
Document with restricted access. Log in to BiblioInfo, Biblioteca-DAIT/IPT to access the PDF document: