Are synthesized experience about geoanalysis semiautomatic of locational alternatives for projects, carried out in studies developed at the level of pre-feasibility projects for preliminary environmental assessment purposes and to prepare for the subsequent process of environmental licensing and impact assessment. The experiences refer to cases in the State of Sao Paulo, made through procedures arranged in a Support System for Preliminary Environmental Assessment of Sites, with the participation of expert researchers. The creation and development of this system were motivated by demands of the Department of Economic Development, Science, Technology and Innovation of the State of Sao Paulo, aiming to assist the planning of public and private investment, especially infrastructure projects and industries. Related demands have also been identified in the impact assessment, considering the need to recognize the geotechnical variability of land between the decision factors about the environmental viability of projects. On the other hand, the engineering studies in prefeasibility level require, increasingly, a level of knowledge about the environment that is sufficient to anticipate the major problems and reduce uncertainty in decision making on new investments. The System integrates thematic maps about the physical and biotic environment, digital and georeferenced bases, enabling the identification of factors and processes that tend to influence the development in phases of installation and operation and thus facilitate the comparison of locational alternatives. It includes crossing rules of spatial data by setting standards that establish the connection between the ground units of each thematic map and alternatives. Each unit previously classified lies according to their degree of relative importance, given the likely impact it will have in relation to the project, according to the considered alternative. Experiments using the tool indicate that the main problems tend to be detected at this stage of the studies, favoring, at the appropriate time, the anticipation of likely impcts and risks associated with each alternative and also pointing some of the detail of research to be undertaken. Basead on such investments also discuss up some tool limitarions about the developments discussed.
BITAR, Omar Yazbek; MONTEIRO, Ana Cândida Melo Cavani; PAULON, Nivaldo; FERREIRA, Andre Luiz; IKEMATSU, Priscila; CAMPOS, Sofia Julia Alves Macedo; LONGO, Mariana Hortelani Carneseca. Geoanálise de alterativas locacionais para avaliação ambiental preliminar de empreendimentos. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE AVALIAÇÃO DE IMPACTO, 3., 2016, Ribeirão Preto. Anais… 7 p.
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