Exemplo de aplicação da geologia de engenharia no controle preventivo e corretivo dos processos erosivos


The diagnosis, prognosis and control of erosion requires the involvement of professionals from different areas of knowledge, contemplated by Engineering Geology, transferring to it an important role in the solution of problems relating to minimization of environmental impacts and environmental restoration. In this article, two case studies were presented, emphasizing the necessary knowledge of the hydric focused to the study of erosion, exemplifying their own approaches of Engineering Geology, for the preventive control in watershed and corrective control in watershed and corrective control of gully in urban areas. In the basin of the Rio São Francisco River, a major contributor to the Pantanal, morphopedological characteristics approach was applied, allowing the partitioning of relatively homogeneous mapping of the physical environment, which were interpreted in relation to hydric functioning and applied technical criteria aimed at determining the susceptibility to erosion laminar and linear. To the urban area of Franca municipality in the state of São Paulo, it was identified and characterized thirty-two gullies, with a view to interpreting the dynamics and evolution of linear erosion, to serve as input to the proposition of guidelines focused on project conception and contention works.

SALOMÃO, Fernando Ximenes de Tavares; CANIL, Kátia; RODRIGUES, Samantha Paulo. Exemplo de aplicação da geologia de engenharia no controle preventivo e corretivo dos processos erosivos. Revista Brasileira de Geologia de Engenharia e Ambiental, v. 2, n. 2, p. 39-56, 2012.

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