Proposal of software translator with interlanguage translation resource, Brasilian sign language (Libras) Portuguese


Several works focus on the translation process involving sign and written-oral languages. Regardless of the translation order assumed by the process, whether from sign languages to written-oral languages or vice versa, an intermediate written representation is taken as a basis of processing, in which words are presented following the grammatical order established by the sign languages. This system of transcription is known as gloss. According to literature, gloss is a resource used by specialists only to represent signs through writing. In a way, deaf writing (cursive or typed on some input device) is very similar to gloss. Although this writing is often quite difficult for the deaf, this is the only way they can communicate in writing with hearing people. Our challenge is to propose a solution that is not only capable of helping the deaf in the production of their sentences in Libras (glosses) but at the same time translating them into Portuguese. We bring to the debate some relevant technical aspects of this translation software. This work proposed a translator based solely
on morphological and syntactic classifications in the first version. Showing themselves as encouraging, the results prove useful when showing hints to UX development in building an
interface to support the words typed by deaf users, although on the other side it proved unsuitable for dealing with more elaborate syntactic structures. As a future work, it will be developed a grammar with the necessary resources to over-come this limitation.

GAVA, Vagner Luiz; INACIO, Angelina da Silva; KLEINE, Felipe Augusto de Souza; SOUZA, Fabio Rogério Lins Pereira. Proposal of software translator with interlanguage translation resource, Brasilian sign language (Libras) Portuguese. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT, 19.CONTECSI, 2022, São Paulo. Proceedings… São Paulo: FEA, 2023. 13p.

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