Ensaio geofísico de GPR aplicado no mapeamento de fundações


Even though the ground penetrating radar (gpr) has great potential, it hasn’t been so long applied with success for mapping structural elements like beams, slabs and columns in constructions. Aware of this fact, the present work proposes a procedure to make viable the use of this geophysics technique in such situations. A subsuperficial investigation was performed to map the foundation and determinate the position of beams and steel reinforcement under the floor of an existing laboratory building. The investigation took use of a GPR method, which data was analyzed applying the concept of amplitude map, proposed by Lawrence B. Conyers from the University of Denver (2005). Results were verified later, by the time the foundations of a geotechnical test tank were opened. The predictions were very accurate and the results were even used on the preparing of contracts for construction and bidding of the tank, attesting the applicability and potentiality of the technique.

GALLI, Vicente Luiz; AZEVEDO, Adalberto Aurélio; SOUSA, Luís Gonzaga de. Ensaio geofísico de GPR aplicado no mapeamento de fundações. In: INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF THE BRAZILIAN GEOPHYSICAL SOCIETY, 13., 2013, Rio de Janeiro. Proceedings… 6 p.

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