Dimensão social e tecnológica para requalificação de assentamentos urbanos precários

This work addresses the social and technological dimension for requalifying precarious urban settlements as a primordial need for city management. It groups the difficulties of approach in two ways: the recovery of housing and its insertion in the urban space. It aims to contribute to our learning in the development of work in subnormal occupations and subsidies for the elaboration of a public policy focused on this issue. It is essential, moreover, to articulate the housing requalification policy with the urban planning process as a whole, where the master plan is an important inseparable part of thinking about the use of housing land inserted in the Special Social Interest Zones (ZEIS). In this context, the System of Science, Technology and Innovation has a fundamental role in characterizing and locating the problems by means of a grouping of knowledge, seeking to ground the decision process of housing policies and the prioritization of actions.

FREITAS, Carlos Geraldo Luz de; CORSI, Alessandra Cristina; IKEMATSU, Priscila. Dimensão social e tecnológica para requalificação de assentamentos urbanos precários. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE GEOLOGIA DE ENGENHARIA E AMBIENTAL, 17., 2022, Belo Horizonte. Anais… 10p.

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