Experimental determination of the variation of the drag coefficients in eucalyptus branches (Eucalyptus sp.)


Eucalyptus trees are tall, growing taller than 40 m. They grow fast and are often found in cities and also in single-species plantations, such as plantations for pulp and paper industry. These trees need constant monitoring to avoid accidents caused by the fall of branches or even the whole trunk, especially during storms. Wind is an important factor when considering the risk concerning the fall of trees and IPT has developed the Arbio software to analyze and to predict this risk. However, the drag coefficients used in this software were obtained from literature and the change of geometry caused by the wind action is not considered. Tests were carried out in the wind tunnel with eucalyptus branches to improve the results of the acting aerodynamics parameters. A drag coefficient of 0.6 was obtained for a velocity of 13.1 m/s.

NADER, Gilder; MARTINS, Gabriel Borelli; JABARDO, Paulo José Saiz; AMARAL, Raquel Dias de Aguiar Moraes; MACENA , Suelem Maurício Fontes; YOJO, Takashi. Determinação experimental da variação dos coeficientes de arrasto e, galhos de eucalípto (Eucalyptus SP). In: CONGRESSO LATINO AMERICANO DE ENGENHARIA DO VENTO, 3., 2018, São Paulo. Anais… 6 p.

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NADER, Gilder; MARTINS, Gabriel Borelli; JABARDO, Paulo José Saiz; AMARAL, Raquel Dias de Aguiar Moraes; MACENA , Suelem Maurício Fontes; YOJO, Takashi. Determinação experimental da variação dos coeficientes de arrasto e, galhos de eucalípto (Eucalyptus SP). Revista IPT: Tecnologia e Inovação, v.3, n.10, p.161-170, abr., 2019.

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