Development of numerical tool for loads and displacement prediction in a river debris removal solution


Tietê river crosses Greater São Paulo metropolitan area, in Brazil, and, despite its heavy pollution, hydroelectric power plants are installed in it. The debris, solid waste and vegetation, cause a great impact in operation, reducing generation efficiency and potentially causing structural damages, requiring major maintenance. To investigate this problem, the Institute for Technological Research (IPT) developed a Research Development project to conceptually design a system capable to reflect, capture and remove these debris. The concept is composed by a floating debris collection vessel and a floating barrier (trash boom) lines, which connects the river margins to the vessel, to direct the floating debris in the river to the vessel, to be taken out of the water by a conveyor belt. Trash booms and mooring lines design needs to consider some non-linear effects, such as river flow, current basin elevation, line rigidity and movement, to predict the line final position that interferes with the line performance. The present work introduces a numerical tool that calculates the mooring, trash boom lines and the floating structure final position. A truss-based nonlinear FEM method calculates the lines loads and movements, with the floating vessel displacement. The tool has been used on the design phase, allowing a more suitable design of trash boom lines, mooring lines and the floating structure, given their interdependence. This tool was developed with a generic base, with the capability to be used on other small or larger hydraulics projects, allowing the design optimization of debris barriers and their mooring lines.

QUEIROZ, Patrick Donigá; DANTAS, João Luiz Dozzi; CASTRO, Felipe Santos de; MATA, Felipe Araujo da; MATOS, Gabriel Galvão. Development of numerical tool for loads and displacement prediction in a river debris removal solution. In: THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCITION FOR HYDRO-ENVIRONMENT ENGINEERING AND RESEARCH (IAHR) WORD CONGRES, 39., 2022, Granada, Spain. Proceedings… 10 p.

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