FREITAS, Leandro Gomes de; MACEDO, Letícia dos Santos; BARBOSA, Alexandre Muselli; TEIXEIRA, Cláudia Echevenguá; MORAES, Sandra Lucia de. Development and validation of remediation technologies for organochlorinated compounds in soil. In: INTERNATIONAL CONTAMINATED SITE REMEDIATION CONFERENCE, CLEAN UP, 7th., 2017, Melbourne. Proceedings… United Kingdom: CRC CARE, 2017.
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FREITAS, Leandro Gomes de; MACEDO, Letícia dos Santos; BARBOSA, Alexandre Muselli; TEIXEIRA, Cláudia Echevenguá; MORAES, Sandra Lucia de. Development and validation of remediation technologies for organochlorinated compounds in soil. In: INTERNATIONAL CONTAMINATED SITE REMEDIATION CONFERENCE, CLEAN UP, 7th., 2017, Melbourne. Proceedings… United Kingdom: CRC CARE, 2017.
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