Determinação da condutividade hidráulica de uma área contaminada no município da Grande São Paulo utilizando-se método slug test


Determining the hydraulic conductivity of a contaminated area in Sao Paulo using Slug Test Method – The Metropolitan Region of São Paulo presents several environmental liabilities, which could to compromise the groundwater quality. This situation demands research and one of the most important hydrodynamic parameters to the characterization of aquifers is the hydraulic conductivity. This parameter can be obtained by permeability tests like Slug Test, one of the most common methods currently used in contaminated sites investigation. This paper describes the application of this method, comparing those proposed by Hvorslev (1951) and Bouwer & Rice (1976) and using the software Aquifer Test Pro (version 2010.1) for interpretation of data obtained in field tests from different hydrogeological layers of the contaminated site in Santo André-SP. Therefore, were selected 8 shallow wells, until 7 m of deep; and 11 deeper wells, until 25.8 m of deep. Among to the 19 wells tested, the repetition was realized in 8 wells to obtain results more representative. The results were similar for both methods and was demonstrated that the soil characterized by landfill had the highest hydraulic conductivity, which average is 4.76 E-06 m/s, and the residual soil presented the lower hydraulic conductivity, averaging 9.03 E-07 m/s.

CARVALHO, Ana Maciel de; FREITAS, Leandro Gomes de; BARBOSA, Alexandre Muselli; ALBUQUERQUE FILHO, José Luiz; MONDELLI, Giulliana. Determinação da condutividade hidráulica de uma área contaminada no município da Grande São Paulo utilizando-se método slug test. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE GEOLOGIA DE ENGENHARIA E AMBIENTAL, 14., 2013, Rio de Janeiro. Anais… São Paulo: ABGE, 2013. CD.

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