Delft3D hydrodynamic and morphological modeling were applied to simulate flow and sediment transport in Parana River, considering 20 km downstream of Sergio Motta Reservoir Dam, located in São Paulo, Brazil. The objective of this study is to investigate and compare the results of Delft3D morphological model with the verified modifications of the region. The simulations were made for a previously studied time interval (1996 – 2010) in which hydrodynamic and morphodynamic patterns were known through other studies, such as multi-temporal aerial image analysis, hydraulic, geometric, bathymetric and sediment information of islands and sand banks of Parana River and Porto Rico hydrometric station. This period of simulation comprise the final stage of rising of the spillways, the floodgate´s closing for filling of the reservoir and the operation of the turbines. The model was forced with measured discharge information of Sergio Motta Dam (m3/s) and calibrated with discharge and velocity distributions from field survey and Porto Rico hydrometric station. The Morphological Acceleration Factor (MORFAC) was applied due to the long time interval simulation (14 years), nevertheless the seasonal variability was considered for each of the 14 years simulated. The results were satisfactory and able to reproduce the reality downstream of the reservoir, both in the sediment transport and deposition patterns of the sandbanks and in the erosion sites identified at the islands located in the study area and monitored in the previously studies.
SIQUEIRA, Alessandra Gonçalves; FIEDLER, M.F.M.; YASSUDA, E.A. Delft3D morphological modeling downstream of Sergio Motta reservoir dam. In: IAEG/AEG ANNUAL MEETING, 61., 2018, San Francisco. Proceedings… 9p.
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Delft3D hydrodynamic and morphological modeling were applied to simulate flow and sediment transport in Parana River, considering 20 km downstream of Sergio Motta Reservoir Dam, located in São Paulo, Brazil. The objective of this study is to investigate and compare the results of Delft3D morphological model with the verified modifications of the region. The simulations were made for a previously studied time interval (1996 – 2010) in which hydrodynamic and morphodynamic patterns were known through other studies, such as multi-temporal aerial image analysis, hydraulic, geometric, bathymetric and sediment information of islands and sand banks of Parana River and Porto Rico hydrometric station. This period of simulation comprise the final stage of rising of the spillways, the floodgate´s closing for filling of the reservoir and the operation of the turbines. The model was forced with measured discharge information of Sergio Motta Dam (m3/s) and calibrated with discharge and velocity distributions from field survey and Porto Rico hydrometric station. The Morphological Acceleration Factor (MORFAC) was applied due to the long time interval simulation (14 years), nevertheless the seasonal variability was considered for each of the 14 years simulated. The results were satisfactory and able to reproduce the reality downstream of the reservoir, both in the sediment transport and deposition patterns of the sandbanks and in the erosion sites identified at the islands located in the study area and monitored in the previously studies.
SIQUEIRA, Alessandra Gonçalves; FIEDLER, M.F.M.; YASSUDA, E.A. Delft3D morphological modeling downstream of Sergio Motta reservoir dam. In: IAEG/AEG ANNUAL MEETING, 61., 2018, San Francisco. Proceedings… 9p.
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