In addition to environmental degradation, several problems can result from irregular dumping of debris into rivers in urban areas. In the case of small dams for power generation, the main problems are related to turbine damage and blockage of the inlet region. Both issues result in material losses and reduction in energy generation, due to the need of maintenance in the plant. The Edgard de Souza Dam, located at the Tietê River receives a large number of urban wastes and vegetation from São Paulo and surrounding cities that clog inlet regions. These issues can be minimized using an automated solution, consisting of floating barriers (trash boom), a debris collector vessel, a transporting mechanism and a storage container. This works presents the development of one of one of these systems for the Tietê River, that utilizes a custom-designed trash boom to redirect the floating debris to a collector vessel, moored in the riverbed, which stores the debris temporally, with their subsequent removal from the vessel to the river bank by a crane. The system is designed in function of the bathymetric data, the river flow and elevation, the geological-geotechnical characteristics, the daily volume of trash and other project-related constraints, using numerical tools based on CFD and FEM. The use of this retention system facilitates subsequent maintenance work at plants and dams, and helps increasing the energy generation from small hydroelectric plants.
MATOS, Gabriel Galvão; QUEIROZ, Patrick Donegá; DANTAS, João Lucas Dozzzi, CASTRO, Felipe Santos de; MATA, Felipe Araújo da; CAMPOS, Gisleine Coelho de; RAMOS JUNIOR, Roberto; KOGISHI, Andre Mitsuo. Debris removal system in the Tietê River, Brazil: a case study. In: THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCITION FOR HYDRO-ENVIRONMENT ENGINEERING AND RESEARCH (IAHR) WORD CONGRES, 39., 2022, Granada, Spain. Proceedings… 9p.
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In addition to environmental degradation, several problems can result from irregular dumping of debris into rivers in urban areas. In the case of small dams for power generation, the main problems are related to turbine damage and blockage of the inlet region. Both issues result in material losses and reduction in energy generation, due to the need of maintenance in the plant. The Edgard de Souza Dam, located at the Tietê River receives a large number of urban wastes and vegetation from São Paulo and surrounding cities that clog inlet regions. These issues can be minimized using an automated solution, consisting of floating barriers (trash boom), a debris collector vessel, a transporting mechanism and a storage container. This works presents the development of one of one of these systems for the Tietê River, that utilizes a custom-designed trash boom to redirect the floating debris to a collector vessel, moored in the riverbed, which stores the debris temporally, with their subsequent removal from the vessel to the river bank by a crane. The system is designed in function of the bathymetric data, the river flow and elevation, the geological-geotechnical characteristics, the daily volume of trash and other project-related constraints, using numerical tools based on CFD and FEM. The use of this retention system facilitates subsequent maintenance work at plants and dams, and helps increasing the energy generation from small hydroelectric plants.
MATOS, Gabriel Galvão; QUEIROZ, Patrick Donegá; DANTAS, João Lucas Dozzzi, CASTRO, Felipe Santos de; MATA, Felipe Araújo da; CAMPOS, Gisleine Coelho de; RAMOS JUNIOR, Roberto; KOGISHI, Andre Mitsuo. Debris removal system in the Tietê River, Brazil: a case study. In: THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCITION FOR HYDRO-ENVIRONMENT ENGINEERING AND RESEARCH (IAHR) WORD CONGRES, 39., 2022, Granada, Spain. Proceedings… 9p.
Document is password protected, ask Customer Service/Library-DAIT/IPT. Log into BiblioInfo/IPT-DAIT to access the text in PDF: