Debris removal solution in a long river in São Paulo, Brazil


Small hydroelectric power plants are present throughout the Brazilian territory and are responsible for a meaningful percentage of its installed electric potential. However, these hydroelectric plants present reduction in generation capacity due to high levels of unavailability caused by incidence of large volumes of solid waste and vegetation through rivers. Furthermore, hydropower systems are installed near dams, which are also responsible to aid flood control in riverside areas. Most of floating residues, if not collected and removed during the plant operation, end up being transported downstream, impacting watercourses, and flood control and power generation structures. Alternatives to deal with debris in aquatic environments depend on site dimensions, and may be structural or non-structural ones, which consist respectively of installation and construction of physical structures, and preventive maintenance such as material removal. Among structural measures, debris barriers are appropriate systems for mitigating solid and liquid debris. This article discusses aspects to implement a debris removal solution in a long river that crosses important urban center in Sao Paulo – Brazil. It covers river characterization, solution general components, and preliminary arrangement of mechanism to contain and collect floating debris.

CAMPOS, Gisleine Coelho de; DANTAS, João Lucas Dozzi; CASTRO, Felipe Santos de; KOGISHI, André Mitsuo. Debris removal solution in a long river in São Paulo, Brazil. In: INTERNATIONAL DAM WORLD CONFERENCE, 4., 2020, Portugal. Proceedings… [on line] 11p.  

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