Debris flow in Serra da Mantiqueira: description and assessment of occurrence in Braço Watershed


In recent years an increase in the occurrence of debris flows has been observed in various regions of Brazil. These mass movements can be characterized by the expressive volume of material mobilized during a relative short period of time, long distances of travelling, high velocity and high transport capacity. On January, 2000 an extreme precipitation event produced landslides and debris flows in “Serra do Mar” and “Serra da Mantiqueira”. The study area is located in the “Braço” watershed, at Lavrinhas municipality, which is about 230 km of Sao Paulo city. The damage caused by the occurrence of debris flow included destruction of plantations and bridges.

GRAMANI, Marcelo Fischer. Corridas de massa na Serra da Mantiqueira: descrição e avaliação da ocorrência no Córrego do Braço, SP. In: CONFERÊNCIA BRASILEIRA SOBRE ESTABILIDADE DE ENCOSTAS – COBRAE, 12., 2017, Florianópolis. Anais… 8 p.

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GRAMANI, Marcelo Fischer. Corridas de massa na Serra da Mantiqueira : descrição e avaliação da ocorrência no Córrego do Braço, SP. Revista Técnico-Científica do CREA-PR, Edição especial COBRAE 2017, 2018. 15 p.

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