Correlations between risk, susceptibility and vulnerability to landslides in the municipality of São Paulo


The difficulty of access to housing in Brazilian urban centers drives the poorest population to the periphery
of cities. Consequently, land located on steep slopesor riverbanks ends up being precariously occupied.
The Municipal Government of São Paulo, through the Institute of Technological Research of the State
of São Paulo (IPT), carried out, between 2009 and 2010, a mapping of risks associated with landslides
in areas of slopes and riverbanks, in order to manage the risk of mass movements in the city. The present
work used data from this mapping and made the crossing of these data in GIS environment with
data referring to mappings of susceptibility, social vulnerability and physical vulnerability of the city of
São Paulo. The analysis after this procedure allowed to identify a positive correlation between the degree
of risk determined in the mapping for the sectors and the susceptibility, social vulnerability and physical
vulnerability of the areas.

SANDRÉ, Lucas Henrique; CAMPOS, Alfredo Borges de; MACEDO, Eduardo Soares de. Correlações entre risco, suscetibilidade e vulnerabilidade a escorregamentos no município de São Paulo. Revista Brasileira de Geologia de Engenharia e Ambiental, v.11, n.1, p.23-38, 2021.

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