The demand for the use of groundwater has been growing over the years in urban areas. However, due to contamination, physically exploitable groundwater is becoming qualitatively unavailable, consequences of poorly planned and inadequately executed human activities. This scenario has brought discussions about the problem of contaminated areas with restrictions on the use of groundwater, since this classification has been common and commonplace, making the use of groundwater unfeasible in most cases. Therefore, the need for more effective solutions in the management and control of the quality and quantity of groundwater becomes clear. It was verified and discussed the existence of effective instruments for the management of groundwater in areas classified as contaminated containing institutional control measures to restrict the use of water. It was concluded that there is a need for improvement in the participatory management of those responsible for and users of contaminated areas rehabilitated with restrictions on the use of groundwater and, as an alternative to remediation that can be costly, the use of procedures to monitor the stabilization/degradation of the Contamination that restricts groundwater use can contribute to sustainability and impact minimization, for example, creating procedures for monitoring natural attenuation.
ARAÚJO, Marcela Maciel. Desafios na gestão de água subterrânea em áreas contaminadas com restrição de uso na bacia hidrográfica do Alto Tietê, SP. In: SIMPÓSIO NACIONAL DE GESTÃO E ENGENHARIA URBANA, 3., 2021, Maceió. (on-line). Anais… 5p. (Reflexões e Proposições para Cidades Sustentáveis Resilentes e Inteligentes)
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The demand for the use of groundwater has been growing over the years in urban areas. However, due to contamination, physically exploitable groundwater is becoming qualitatively unavailable, consequences of poorly planned and inadequately executed human activities. This scenario has brought discussions about the problem of contaminated areas with restrictions on the use of groundwater, since this classification has been common and commonplace, making the use of groundwater unfeasible in most cases. Therefore, the need for more effective solutions in the management and control of the quality and quantity of groundwater becomes clear. It was verified and discussed the existence of effective instruments for the management of groundwater in areas classified as contaminated containing institutional control measures to restrict the use of water. It was concluded that there is a need for improvement in the participatory management of those responsible for and users of contaminated areas rehabilitated with restrictions on the use of groundwater and, as an alternative to remediation that can be costly, the use of procedures to monitor the stabilization/degradation of the Contamination that restricts groundwater use can contribute to sustainability and impact minimization, for example, creating procedures for monitoring natural attenuation.
ARAÚJO, Marcela Maciel. Desafios na gestão de água subterrânea em áreas contaminadas com restrição de uso na bacia hidrográfica do Alto Tietê, SP. In: SIMPÓSIO NACIONAL DE GESTÃO E ENGENHARIA URBANA, 3., 2021, Maceió. (on-line). Anais… 5p. (Reflexões e Proposições para Cidades Sustentáveis Resilentes e Inteligentes)
Document with restricted access. Login to BiblioInfo, Library/IPT-DAIT to access PDF text: