Contribuições da lei 12.608/12 para gestão de riscos e desastres naturais no Brasil.


Inundations and Landslides are the types of natural disasters that cause most deaths in Brazil due the local junction of urban characteristics and its physical environment elements. Besides that there is the constant growth of cities, coming from the last century, which brings with it the expansion of the urban area by vulnerable houses in areas susceptible to occupation, generating therefore an increased risk and hazards to natural disasters. Therefore, it is possible to see the importance of Risk Management and Natural Disasters in Brazil. The law 12.608/12 that establishing the National Policy on Protection and Civil Defense – PNPDEC brought important actions for this, involving an information system and disaster monitoring that is assisting in the development of major programs for this management. Thus, this article aims to point out some of these programs created and their effective responses to the population and own management.


CAROU, C. B.; MACEDO, Eduardo Soares de; FIGUEIRA, R. M. Contribuições da lei 12.608/12 para gestão de riscos e desastres naturais no Brasil. In: CONGRESSO DA SOCIEDADE DE ANÁLISE DE RISCO LATINO AMERICANA, 3., 2016, São Paulo. Anais… São Paulo: ABGE, 2016. 6 p.

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