Cartografia geotécnica, licenciamento ambiental e avaliação de impacto: novas perspectivas em face da política nacional de proteção e defesa civil


This paper presents preliminary results of a study in progress related to the use of geotechnical maps in technical procedures for licensing and environmental impact assessment of projects, considering the implementation of the national environmental policy and its necessary integration with the new national policy to prevent natural disasters. The overall objective of the study is to analyze the applicability of geotechnical maps to license projects submitted to environmental impact assessment process, identifying forms, contents and types of use. The methods adopted involve the analysis of current practices, including statutory and regulatory requirements established previously about geotechnical maps as part of a new environmental impact study at federal, state and municipal levels, and also concluded environmental impact studies where geotechnical maps were used. The results obtained so far indicate a similarity between the requirements to submit geotechnical maps to environmental impact assessment processes and the preparation of geotechnical maps in the context of the national policy for the prevention of natural disaster implementation. Are detected also different types of geotechnical maps used in environmental impact assessment processes, varying according to the technical procedures usually employed.

BITAR, Omar Yazbek. Cartografia geotécnica, licenciamento ambiental e avaliação de impcato : novas perspectivas em face da política nacional de proteção e defesa civil. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE CARTOGRAFIA GEOTÉCNICA E GEOAMBIENTAL, 9;. 2015, Cuiabá. Trabalho apresentado…São Paulo: ABGE, 2015. 6 p.

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