Data base of natural disasters in Poços de Caldas: a tool for land planning and management


The municipality of Poços de Caldas, Minas Gerais state, Brazil is located in a region with high rainfall and of greatly diversified geological and geomorphological features, with contrasting relief and declivity as well as outstanding unevenness, which are prone to natural disasters. A historical survey and registry of natural disasters reported in the city were conducted to provide a support tool for land planning and management actions. Twenty-five occurrences related to natural disasters were listed between 2000 and 2013. Mostoccurrences were reported in the months of January and November, 46% and 27% of the cases respectively, with slope barrier falls in 27% of the accounted cases, followed by floods, waterlogging, and landslides, each corresponding to 15% of the records. The total rainfall registered for the day of the event on which the natural disasters occurred was more significant in the 0-50.00 mm class (85.6%), whereas the total accumulated for five days was more significant in the 50.01-100.00 mm class (38.9%). The historical survey of natural disasters and its correlation with rainfall records, associated with the weather forecast, subsidize the temporal and spatial prediction of such events in order to anticipate civil defense actions and, consequently, reduce the risk of fatalities and associated economic losses. Therefore, these actions should be based on a public policy aimed at protection and civil defense, guiding the management of risks and natural disasters in the municipality.

BITAR, Omar Yazbek; MONTEIRO, Ana Cândida Melo Cavani; PAULON, Nivaldo; FERREIRA, Andre Luiz; IKEMATSU, Priscila; CAMPOS, Sofia Julia Alves Macedo; LONGO, Mariana Hortelani Carneseca. Geoanálise de alterativas locacionais para avaliação ambiental preliminar de empreendimentos. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE AVALIAÇÃO DE IMPACTO, 3., 2016, Ribeirão Preto. Anais… 7 p. 

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