Environmental performance evaluation of biogas utilizantion in cassava process industries by GRI Indicators


The aim of this paper was to apply a method of environmental assessment of energy use of biogas technology, using the environmental performance indicators selected from the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) protocol. From an assessment of the technology characteristics over the process steps of environmental performance indicators, aspects related to material consumption, air emissions, water consumption, energy consumption, emission and effluent were selected. The research used qualitative methods through a case study in cassava processing companies. These industries use settling ponds to treat waste and are therefore as one of its environmental aspects, biogas generation. It was concluded that the use of biogas system had positive environmental benefits, are among the leading fuel economy, reduced greenhouse gases’ atmospheric emissions and also not associated with increases in water consumption. One company saved 95% of the wood that was used as fuel before use of technology and in all cases there was improvement in operating performance of the companies surveyed. Research has shown that the use of biogas in agribusiness operations is an innovative initiative and presented significant practical results.

GUIMARÃES, Celso Eduardo; TEIXEIRA, Cláudia Echevenguá; SANTOS, Mario Roberto. Avaliação do desempenho ambiental do aproveitamento do biogás em indústrias processadoras de mandioca por meio de indicadores GRI. In: ENCONTRO INTERNACIONAL SOBRE GESTÃO EMPRESARIAL E MEIO AMBIENTE, 16., 2014, São Paulo. Anais… 17 p.

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