Falling risk assessment of Tipuana Tipu (Bent.) Kuntze tress on the ‘most beautiful street in the world’, in Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil


This work aims to assess the degree of risk and propose management measures for tipuana trees, which make up the green tunnel of the street known as the “most beautiful street in the world”, in Porto Alegre, RS. Twenty-six randomly chosen individuals were evaluated using the methodology developed by the ISA – International Society of Arboriculture, in which a non-invasive assessment is carried out, through an external visual inspection of the tree, in order to quantify and qualify the defects present, as well as the surroundings and the existence of potential targets. The result of this study revealed that 16% of the individuals evaluated had a low risk of falling; 42% moderate; 38% high and 4% maximum. After evaluation, it was found that 25 trees can be preserved, provided that management practices are carried out, such as pruning, monitoring and suitability of the site. For nine individuals, an internal inspection with the use of equipment was recommended to better investigate the risk. For one of the individuals (maximum risk), suppression was recommended, considering that conventional management measures would not be able to significantly reduce the risk of falling. This study revealed the need for preventive maintenance in order to reduce the number of accidents involving urban trees.

WEBER, Andrea Saldanha; BRAZOLIN, Sergio. Avaliação de risco de queda de árvores de Tipuana Tipu (Benth.) Kuntze na rua mais bonita do mundo, em Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil. REVSBAU, Curitiba, PR, v.17, n.4, p. 23-40, 2022. [on-line]

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