Application of electrical conductivity profilingfor the characterization and textural discretization of a Technosol


Obtaining large amounts of field data in a representative way is a great challenge, especially in the soil profile. This study aimed to evaluate the application of electrical conductivity profiling as a field method for the vertical characterization of soils. A field test was conducted in a Technosol profile, using a MH6534 electrical conductivity profiling probe, soil sampling, and granulometric characterization and electrical conductivity laboratory tests. The results indicated that this field method was able to identify and discretize the soil layers, having high correlation with clay contents obtained in the laboratory. However, it was not able to identify the organic layer. The method proved to be a good alternative for the vertical characterization of the tested soil, but soil samplings and analysis are necessary for data interpretation and models calibration.

BARBOSA, Alexandre Muselli; GUIMARÃES, Camila Camolesi. Application of electrical conductivity profilingfor the characterization and textural discretization of a Technosol. In: ENCONTRO BRASILEIRO DE PEDOMETRIA, PEDOMETRICS, 2., 24-27 nov., Rio de Janeiro. Anais… 4p.

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