Análise da classificação de risco de movimentos de massa utilizada no brasil e proposta de melhoria nos critérios de decisão


Since the early 2000s, mass movements risk mapping (mainly landslides) carried out in Brazil have been using a classification that starts in Low Risk (R1) through the Medium Risk (R2), High Risk (R3) and finally the highest level, Very High Risk (R4). The reference text was published by the Ministry of Cities and by Institute for Technological Research in 2007, and has been the subject of several discussions, mainly because of the text that explains the criteria for classification. This text has a level of subjectivity that requires the applicator a high knowledge of mass movement processes, requiring a very experienced team for your use. Obviously this complicates a perfect homogenization of results between the various parts of the country where the method is applied. This article proposes a sort key, a reinterpretation of the criteria in the light of experience of the authors in dozens of risk mappings in the country.

MACEDO, Eduardo Soares de; MIRANDOLA, Fabrício Araujo. Análise da classificação de risco de movimentos de massa utilizada no Brasil e proposta de melhoria nos critérios de decisão. In: CONGRESSO DA SOCIEDADE DE ANÁLISE DE RISCO LATINO AMERICANA, 3., 2016, São Paulo. Anais… São Paulo: ABGE, 2016. 5 p.

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