Uncertainty propagation and optimization of the dynamic behavior of towsteered composite plates


Due to recent advances in automated manufacturing technology, tow steered composite laminates (TSCL), in which the fibers fibers follow arbitrary curvilinear paths, have attracted much attention lately. This is due to the various benefits TSCL can potentially provide in terms of bending, buckling, post-buckling, vibration and aeroelastic behavior, as compared to traditional unidirectional laminates. For many years, research studies have been focused on finding the best lay-ups for the layers of conventional composite laminates that could result in improved configurations. The use of TSCL opens new possibilities for optimized solutions to cope with new challenges such as how to find the best fiber deposition trajectory combined with stacking sequence for specific design purpose(s). This paper describes a numerical and experimental evaluation of the dynamic behavior of Tow steered rectangular plates. After the development of the discretized equations of motion based on the Assumed-Modes approach, numerical analyses are performed, covering different boundary conditions and accounting for manufacturing constraints, which induce defects, mainly fiber gaps and overlaps. Numerical optimization is performed to maximize the first natural frequency, having parameters defining the fiber trajectories as design variables. The numerical modeling is complemented with the use of Polynomial Chaos Expansion for the propagation of parametric uncertainties associated to the manufacturing defects. Additionally, an experimental analysis is carried-out for the identification of natural frequencies of a TSCL sample, which is compared with the numerical counterparts. This comparison is used to validate the stochastic model. The results confirm the potentiality of improving the dynamic behavior of composite laminates by proper choices of fiber trajectories.

PEREIRA, Daniel Almeida; MELLO, Wellington Lombardo Nunes de. Uncertainty propagation and optimization of the dynamic behavior of towsteered composite plates. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON STRUCUTRAL ENGINEERING DYNAMICS, 2017, Lisboa. Proceedings… 13 p.

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