Planejamento da medição baseado no método de substituição para controle de elementos em microescala


Micro-milling operations have faced enormous advances in recent years due to the increasing demand for micro-structured parts. Focusing specifically on micro-scale product development loop, metrology plays a crucial role as it gives information for manufacturing optimization. The definition of appropriate strategies for measuring microfluidic mould features of size is addressed in this work. Using the integrative framework proposed in previous studies, the substitution method is applied to evaluate the uncertainty. The measurement setup and results are presented and discussed.

BALDO, Crhistian Raffaelo; MEWIS, Jan; TAMBORLIN, Marcelo Octavio; RAMOS, Luciana Wasnievski da Silva de Luca; UHLMANN, Eckart. Planejamento da medição baseado no método de substituição para controle de elementos em microescala. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE METROLOGIA, 9., 2017, Fortaleza. Anais… 4 p.

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