CO2 utilization: a brief review of main routes and the potential to Brazil scenario industry


Within the chemical and fuel production chains, four raw materials are basically used as a source of carbon: oil, natural gas, coal and biomass, the latter being a renewable source. But, taking into account the objective of reducing the effects caused by greenhouse gases (GHG), it is necessary to develop processes and technological concepts that aim to recycle carbon dioxide (CO2 ) emitting mainly by large stationary sources. In addition to carbon capture and storage, the concept of "CO2 utilization" makes room for recycling CO2 avoiding its atmospheric emission and, in addition, a new carbon building block for chemicals and fuels. In this context, the Brazilian scenario stands out for industrial cases with high CO2 purity emissions, such as the sugar-energy sector where new technologies for converting CO2 into valuable chemicals can be tested. Thus, this review presents an overview of the main routes developed for the conversion of CO2 , ranging from those with low level of technological readiness (TRL) such as photochemistry and plasma catalysis to the most advanced ones such as thermocatalytic and biological conversion, polymerization and mineralization.

ALVES, Vittor Rodrigues; MEYER, Denis Correa. CO2 utilization: a brief review of main routes and the potential to Brazil scenario industry. Revista IPT, Tecnologia e Inovação, v.6, n.21, p.6-36, dez., 2022.

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