Diagnóstico e análise de risco de queda de árvores


Trees are natural heritage of a locality and bring a little of the history of the region and are essential to human health. Aside from all the environmental benefits it provides, such as shade, fresh air, thermal comfort, reduced noise and air pollution, serves as a habitat for birds and other fauna. In urban areas, due to lack of planning, the trees are directly affected by the surrounding conditions, such as waterproofing the sidewalks, the wounds caused by the passage of vehicles, with the existing power grid conflict, and incidence of pests and pathogens. These factors compromise the satisfactory development of trees, which, on days of high winds and rain, make them subject to fall, causing extensive damage and losses to people and property. Currently, there are uncertainties and limitations when it is necessary to check the condition and lack biological criteria for analyzing the risk of falling trees, which complicates the decision-making on the most appropriate management. In this sense, the Technological Research Institute developed a methodology for the diagnosis and improved analysis of fall risk, based on the biomechanics of trees.

AMARAL, Raquel Dias de Aguiar Moraes. Diagnóstico e análise de risco de queda de árvores. In: ENCONTRO DE GESTORES DE JARDINS HISTÓRICOS, 4., 2014, Rio de Janeiro. Anais… 9 p.

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