On the geological time scale, it is certain that mass movements will occur on slopes, also called
landslides. It is estimated that these mass movements are responsible for 5.2% of natural disasters worldwide. As an alternative to mitigating the damage caused by these events, measures for monitoring, prediction or monitoring can be used on several fronts. Driven by Digital Transformation, monitoring systems were optimized incorporating digital instruments, remote transmission, BigData and Artificial Intelligence to carry out remote monitoring, whether continuous or not. This work presents a review on the use of new technologies for monitoring slopes. A database was built with data from 1,054 articles obtained from the Scopus database. It was observed that the topic has been showing a marked growth trend and that the sources that have published the most on the topic are linked to Geology or applied technology, with indications of preference for choosing tools and methods through the keywords used. China and Italy lead research in this area. Digital Transformation on slopes is already a reality in parts of the world and presents itself as a strong future trend, and should be stimulated for use on a large scale.
ARAÚJO, Gabriel Raykson Matos Brasil de; CORSI, Alessandra Cristina; MACEDO, Eduardo Soares de; FUTAI, Marcos Masso. A transformação digital no contexto do monitoramento de encostas: uma visão geral sobe o tema a partir de uma revisão. In: CONFERÊNCIA BRASILEIRA SOBRE ESTABILIDADE DE ENCOSTAS, 8, 2022, Porto de Galinhas. Anais… 10 p.
Document with restricted access. Login to BiblioInfo, Library/IPT-DAIT to access PDF text:
On the geological time scale, it is certain that mass movements will occur on slopes, also called
landslides. It is estimated that these mass movements are responsible for 5.2% of natural disasters worldwide. As an alternative to mitigating the damage caused by these events, measures for monitoring, prediction or monitoring can be used on several fronts. Driven by Digital Transformation, monitoring systems were optimized incorporating digital instruments, remote transmission, BigData and Artificial Intelligence to carry out remote monitoring, whether continuous or not. This work presents a review on the use of new technologies for monitoring slopes. A database was built with data from 1,054 articles obtained from the Scopus database. It was observed that the topic has been showing a marked growth trend and that the sources that have published the most on the topic are linked to Geology or applied technology, with indications of preference for choosing tools and methods through the keywords used. China and Italy lead research in this area. Digital Transformation on slopes is already a reality in parts of the world and presents itself as a strong future trend, and should be stimulated for use on a large scale.
ARAÚJO, Gabriel Raykson Matos Brasil de; CORSI, Alessandra Cristina; MACEDO, Eduardo Soares de; FUTAI, Marcos Masso. A transformação digital no contexto do monitoramento de encostas: uma visão geral sobe o tema a partir de uma revisão. In: CONFERÊNCIA BRASILEIRA SOBRE ESTABILIDADE DE ENCOSTAS, 8, 2022, Porto de Galinhas. Anais… 10 p.
Document with restricted access. Login to BiblioInfo, Library/IPT-DAIT to access PDF text: