Desafios de governança de sistemas de informações aplicados a centros de controle de cidades inteligentes

This systematic mapping shows the main difficulties and opportunities of governance in control centers for Smart Cities. This mapping followed the methodological steps: protocol, execution in search engines, application of inclusion and exclusion criteria, selection of studies, data extraction, and synthesis of results. This resulted in 20 papers divided into Compliance, Operations, Training, Technologies, and Information Security. In general, the challenges are: how to meet Compliance in a dynamic environment; how to increase the Operation’s efficiency; how to keep the knowledge of all participants in the ecosystem up to date; how to keep the state-of-the-art technologies; and how to keep information secure.

PUSCHI, Michele Lima dos Santos; SILVA, Anderson Alves da; SANTOS, Alessandro Santiago. Desafios de governança de sistemas de informações aplicados a centros de controle de cidades inteligentes. In: WOKSHOP BRASILEIRO DE CIDADES INTELIGENTES, 2., 2022, Niteroi. Anais… p.49-60.

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