Paths for the reuse of Brazilian nuclear research facilities


Due to the Brazilian novelty, this article presents, through international case studies, the practices adopted by some of the countries with nuclear technology that, when going through the deactivation of their nuclear research facilities, opted for the rehabilitation of the buildings and that, after the decontamination process, began to make them available for other uses. In parallel, an analysis is made of the Brazilian legislation that addresses this issue and its fragility in establishing guidelines for operating bodies, especially regarding the process of deactivation and reuse of nuclear research facilities in Brazil, being predominantly focused on nuclear power plant installations.

CRISPINIANO, Julia Maria; BRITO, Adriana Camargo de. Caminhos para a reutilização de instalações nucleares brasileiras de pesquisa. In: ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE TECNOLOGIA DO AMBIENTE CONSTRUÍDO, Ambiente Construído: Resiliente e Sustentável, 19., 2022, Canela. Anais… 11p.

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